We've reached 100 posts!
Well this is exciting, isn't it? 100 posts ago the Creative Clique came to be and July and I started this little corner of cyberspace to bring you the latest DIY in hair, fashion, food, and all that good stuff.
Personally, I'm psyched that we have you amazing people checking out our blog. You all are fabulous.
And now I have an announcement to make.
July and I have decided to spice things up a little bit. We're going to try for a little while to have one guest post from a new person every month. That way you don't just get to listen to us babble on about the same old, same old. You'll get to see something new and awesome from someone else.
Sound like a good idea?
I'll take that as a yes.
So in honor of 100 posts, from here on out we're going to try and have a guest post every month. If you want to have a guest post on the Creative Clique, we'd be happy to have you! Just shoot July or myself an email (our emails are on the right side of the blog if you scroll down a bit), or leave us a comment.
And don't forget to vote on the poll located on the right sidebar of this blog! You can have some input in what we post more of!
Thank you all for sticking with us for 100 posts! We hope you hang around for the next hundred, two hundred, and beyond!
Seana and July