Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wizard of Oz Cake

I've always loved this movie, and when I saw this picture floating around the internet, I snagged it with my bare hands (a tough feat to accomplish, I assure you) and slapped it into a post. Sadly, it didn't come with instructions on how to create this masterpiece, but perhaps you crafty people out there can figure out how. [:

The only problem I have is that Toto looks rather like a deranged wombat instead of a dog, and Dorothy doesn't have red enough hair. Other than that (and the fact that the tornado looks somewhat like a bird's nest) it looks lovely, don't you think?


  1. You are SO right about Toto looking like a deranged wombat, LOL. This cake is sooooooooo cool!
    P.S. I have a recipe on how to easily make fondant. If you're interested I can email it to you.

    1. Ooh, fondant! ^_^ That would be awesome if you could send me the recipe.

    2. Actually, ignore the last comment I typed, asking for youe email--I just saw it on the sidebar :P.

    3. *ignores last comment Hermione typed* Hehe. :'] Thanks again. When I get the recipe, I just might post it on here. ^_^


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