Friday, May 11, 2012


Hey everyone! (: Glad you tuned in to the Creative Clique. I'm here to write July and myself's posting schedules so that you can anticipate those days with vigor. Haha. Anyways, here's what we decided on for now:


Now, some of these days might get a wee bit busy for us, so if you don't see a post that day, don't panic! We'll be back ASAP and hopefully get a post in for the next scheduled day. If something super duper important happens on a nonscheduled day, that's when we'll do a "Rebel" post. A post that goes against the schedule, like a rebel. (We'll title the post "Rebel Post:" and then add whatever title we would have normally given it if it was on a scheduled day.

Bye for now,
July & Seana

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